The Most Amazingest Thing Ever

A scream has been welling in the back of my throat for the last two hours. So I screamed into my pillow once. I have felt like barfing at least 16 times. And I think I’ve done around five happy dances. Who knew going home would wreck such havoc on my body…?

I don’t know if you’ve guessed by now, but we arrived home last night!!!! It was the most beautiful sunset, and the familiar fields were like a breath of fresh air. Seeing the pump jacks – even driving on the gravel was amazing!?



Driving on the gravel made me feel so close to home, and we were – just twenty minutes out!!!!!!!!!!!


A pump jack surrounded by a field of flowering canola.


Screaming because we are home!!!!!!!


Thanks to the Hulls who cleaned up our house – so sorry about all the dead flies you guys had to deal with!!!!? Thanks for the awesome welcome home sign in the entry way!!!!!!!!!


What happens to your calendar when you’ve been gone for a year…? It seems so crazy to have been gone for a year!!! How did we do it…??


First things first – see if the shoes you had to leave behind still fit!? Is this a female thing…???

Wow! I still can’t believe we are home!!!! It seems sooooooo crazy!! Although I’m not sure which is more nuts – the fact we were gone for a year or the fact we are finally home!!!!!!❤️?❤️

13 thoughts on “The Most Amazingest Thing Ever

  1. Auntie Selene says:

    Wahoo! I will totally miss your weekly updates! Glad you are so excited to be home….. whatever will you do with all the room you have to spread out!?!?!?

  2. Kyle & Pat says:

    Boohoo. This your last post! I really enjoyed reading this, what an amazing storytelling ability you have Raquenna. Welcome Home!


    Sent from my iPhone


  3. Auntie Elizabeth says:

    Dear Raquenna, What an epic journey! Can’t wait to see you all in Vancouver in August. And to answer your question…as the mother of four boys and only one girl, I can tell you that it is definitely a female thing to have to see if the shoes you left behind still fit! Loved reading your blog. xo

  4. Becky MacLeod says:

    I can just envision all of you screaming as you get your first glimpse of home. ? We’re so glad you’re finally home safely. I will miss your blogs, Raquenna! Don’t be a stranger- all of you- and come see us again… youth conference, summer vacation, anytime…!

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