Summer Bliss – August

Part 2 of Summer Bliss (aka the most amazing summer ever!!!!!!!!) Also, click the read more tag below to finish reading about one of the best summers I have ever experienced… It was filled with family, new places and friends, as well as new memories that I will cherish forever!


A couple of days after Mom’s test we drove down to Iowa for Jonathan and Katelyn’s wedding, which my dad officiated. Jonathan goes to the Hall here in Glen Ewen but Katelyn is from Iowa so it was really cool to go down there and meet some of the people I had heard of, but not met before! It was a stunning wedding, and such an honour to be invited along with my parents!


After the wedding we drove all the way back home so that I could take my road test to get my license… but as I mentioned before that great achievement alluded me until a couple of weeks later…???? Thankfully, August 9th brought great joy as I sat in the Dentist’s chair and they removed my braces!!! I only had them on for nine months but it still felt AMAZING to have them removed… at least until I threw up all over the dentist… After they had the brackets removed they had to take impressions for my retainers. So they filled a big metal tray full of goo and jammed it around my top teeth – but they filled the tray a little too full. So I’m sitting there, just breathing to my toes when I feel the goo start getting a little too close to my gag reflexes and then I begin to gag. I’m motioning for the dentist to take it out, and she’s telling me to calm down, and take some deep breathes, because she can’t take out the tray until the goo sets. Eventually my body decided enough was enough, and spewed my breakfast all up the lady’s arm… Thankfully at that point she finally removed the metal tray, and I could finally breathe again. Guess I should’ve told her before she began that I have really sensitive gag reflexes and often choke on my water at the supper table…???? Sadly I had to sit through four more impressions right after, but I asked her to fill the metal trays less full and I didn’t throw up! I LOVE my teeth now and smiling is a lot more fun…????


The next day we headed for Vancouver because my dad was signed up to take the final module of this course he’s been taking. Thankfully we made it in time on Saturday for Maja’s first birthday party and cake smash!


On Sunday we met my cousin, Olivia’s, new puppy! Harper is an absolute cutie and a pretty good cuddler too.????


Our nest stop was Vancouver Island to see my Mom’s parents! The water is always so stunning and this time my parents let me drive off the boat – which felt pretty cool!


Almost every evening we would go for walks along the boardwalk in Parksville, and this piece of driftwood caught my eye. The night was pretty grey, as was the wood, so when I walked up to find the sun painted on the wood, it was like finding something beautiful in the mundane.


Tuesday nights in Parksville means the Farmer’s market is set up, and with the market comes the mini donut truck…????


We met the Stroinks at the Farmers Market and they invited us to come and see their two week old golden retriever puppies! There were three of them and they were absolutely adorable!!!


That same day we went to Englishman River Falls. There are upper falls and lower falls, both of which have swimming holes above and below, respectively. This time we were swimming at a pool near the lower falls, and the girls were jumping off the rocks into the crystal clear water.


After meeting that night in Port Alberni Grampa took the usual route home, which is through the McDonald’s drive-thru! Lanaya and I usually get an ice cream, while Cassia goes for savoury and gets the fries!


Thursday morning we went blackberry picking at some wild blackberry bushes located in areas around Parksville! After we had collected enough bounty we took the berries home to make into some of the best jam ever!


Friday we got off to an early start and drove up to Mount Washington, where we took a short hike, and ate some wild blueberries!!! At least, we think they were wild blueberries…???? After the hike we sat in the van and ate our picnic lunch, while watching people in a wedding party get their photos taken in a nearby lodge. Then we rode the ski lift – eight times; four up, and four down…


At the top of the mountain there was a cool area with a ton of stones piled everywhere that tourists had made into inukshuks! We even built a couple of our own mini ones.


And may I now present you with a “Stone Age Selfie”…????


The view as we crested the hill.


Sunday afternoon we drove down to a fairly isolated cabin outside of Victoria. It was the cutest cabin I have EVER been in, and I would totally go back again! It had two bedrooms, and a little loft with another bed in it, but the coolest – or maybe scariest part – was the outdoor shower…???? There was an indoor bathroom, but you know, “when in Rome” and all that.????


While we were there our Simonyi-Gindele cousins were also renting a cabin nearby so we got together for a hike and supper on Monday! We did a fun 2.5km hike out to a beach along the Pacific. As we walked along the beach there was this cute little area that had tons of stones stacked up on these logs, or in little crevices on the cliff. It was such a cute little surprise, but it was SO hard to capture on camera…


The next day, Mom and Dad drove us down to Victoria to meet up with my Grampa and Grandma again, but this time they had my cousins, Gayle and Olivia, with them! My parents dropped us off at Fort Rodd, and we went off exploring. Grampa chose to ride the wheelchair, because we were traversing quite a distance so we all pitched in pushing him up the hill, making quite a sight, as it isn’t often you see a group of teenage girls forming a train and pushing people in wheelchairs up hills at historical landmarks… but it was good fun!???? Around the fort we discovered tons of photo opportunities – this is Lanaya.






Cassia. (Also, Lanaya would like me to point out her face in the shadows at Cassia’s feet…????)


Me (Raquenna).


And last, but certainly not least, we have my Grampa! When he saw us girls being dorks and posing at every new landmark, he decided to join in the fun and gave us a little pose!!!


The lighthouse even seemed to be striking a regal pose that day…


On our way home we stopped in Chemainus, a little town famous for its murals that embellish many of the walls around the town. After that was supper, where I had a curry on fries – it was really good! And let’s not mention the fact that I accidentally dumped my water all over my lap while Grandma was in the bathroom, and I still don’t think she knows…


Mini golfing is also a tradition at our grandparents, and this time I actually WON!!!!!!!! I never win mini golf but it was like my ball had a magnet in it and the hole had a magnet and they were just attracted to each other… or maybe it was because I thought of it like a math problem and angles – but that sounds way too nerdy for mini golf so we’ll just go with the magnet idea.???? That night at meeting it was a little bit embarrassing because we caused a slight disruption while choosing our seats… When I first sat down the vent was blowing cold air up my back – so Gayle, Olivia, and I all shuffled a couple seats down. Then Cassia came in and sat down where I had originally been sitting – so she got up and moved too. Finally Lanaya came in, and also sat down where I had originally sat, she then moved down to the other end of the row – but there was also a vent below that chair. Eventually she just gave up and went to sit with Grampa and Grandma…


Thursday morning Grampa and Grandma went to drop us off at the ferry over to the mainland, but our ferry was delayed so they changed their plans and waited with us for an hour and a half! While we were waiting Grampa and Lanaya watched food videos on Pinterest, making themselves even more hungry than before…????


We finally boarded the ship an hour and half after the boat was supposed to depart… The boat ride was mainly filled with giggling, and it was a great adventure! We said good bye to our cousins after we docked and reunited with our parents.


From the ferry we went straight to Grandad and Grandma’s for a couple days! While we were there Grandad let Dad and I fix the seat slider thingy on his Porsche and then take it for a spin!!! Dad took me down to an industrial area, where there weren’t very many vehicles, and drive around. It was also my first time driving a standard, which is way more stressful than driving an automatic. However, it was a very cool experience and I have wanted to drive Grandad’s Porsche ever since I can remember. We also went to an Aerial Adventure park! I always enjoy myself and it was a blast running around up in the trees and trying to shake my parents out!????


After a couple of days with my grandparents we headed down to Seattle for Camp Naches!!!! Dad was evening speaker, while Jut Hale took the mornings. Camp Naches is a camp that some people from the Seattle Assembly put on for 18 year olds and up who are single and have participated in Gospel work over the summer. It was so cool to be a part of it, even though my sisters and I are all under age, and everyone made us feel totally included! (Photo credits to Jon and Kathryn Beck)


This is just a photo of your typical preacher’s wife for you all to reflect on… JK but Mom does look pretty wicked in her paintball uniform! (Photo credits to Jon and Kathryn Beck)


Cassia got up at 6am every morning to go fishing with DJ! I thought she was crazy for getting out of bed that early when being up till 11 every night, but fishing is her thing so she was dedicated. She did fall asleep on the couch a couple of days in though… (Photo credits to Jon and Kathryn Beck)


Lanaya’s 12th birthday was during camp so we all sang Happy Birthday to her, and one of the staff snuck in a little cake to give to her! She spent pretty much all of her time in the kitchen, cooking and keeping the cooks entertained…???? (Photo credits to Jon and Kathryn Beck)


I was really lucky, and got to be included in all of the games! Here you can see our team celebrating our win on the first day! We got dreadfully behind on one of the relays, but eventually managed to catch up, and pass, in the relays afterwards! (Photo credits to Jon and Kathryn Beck)


One afternoon there was an option to go tubing on the river, or archery tag. Mom, Cassia, and Isaac (my cousin) opted for the tubing, while I chose to shoot people… (Photo credits to Jon and Kathryn Beck)


Archery tag uses recurve bows and arrows with these giant marshmallow things on the tips. They don’t travel super fast – but you definitely know when they hit you! My proudest moment playing this game was when I put my hunting skills to use and lead someone while they were running. I nailed him in the side – and he didn’t even see it coming…???? (Photo credits to Jon and Kathryn Beck)


One night we went on a night hike and we could see Mt. Baker perfectly! At one point we all stopped and made no noise and we could hear an elk bugling off in the distance. There were so many fun things that we did at Naches, I can’t even name them all! (Photo credits to Jon Beck)


Then we rushed home, and made it to Estevan on Saturday with an hour on to spare so I could complete my road test, again. This time I PASSED!!!!! It felt so good, and I think the man who tested me was a little worried I was about to cry all over him because I was so relieved…????


The Monday after I got my license Cassia and I drove up to Kenosee lake and met up with some friends from the Hall! We played volleyball, ultimate frisbee, and went swimming! It felt pretty good to drive the 45 minutes up to the lake by myself…????

I deeply apologize for taking so long to write this post!!! My summer was one of the best summers ever but life never slowed down after summer ended and I just haven’t had the chance to sit down and write a post… But once I realized it was December and I had promised (at the end of my post about getting my license) that I would have a post about my amazing summer in your inbox, I realized I had to get moving! I also had another alterior motive: Dressember!


For the whole month of December I have been wearing a dress in order to raise awareness about human trafficking.

I am also fundraising on my page: to help raise money that goes to 12 different organizations tackling the issue of human trafficking in different ways. These organizations are freeing people in bondage and helping to give them the chance at life that everyone deserves. If you would like to donate, just click the link above, or comment below that you would like to learn more and I will get in touch with you! This cause is incredibly important because it is so prevalent in our world today. One thing that I learned this month that shocked me was the fact that back in 1850 slaves cost todays equivalent of $40 000. Today the average cost is around $90. This is why I don’t mind having cold legs for a month – people out there are being bought and sold for next to nothing, like their lives have no value.


One thought on “Summer Bliss – August

  1. Grampa & Grandma says:

    Again enjoyed your blog as it loaded this time. Thanks for changing it. You certainly have had some awesome experiences. Love Grampa & Grandma

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