San Antonio

I hope you’re all prepared to do a lot of reading this week… Because three posts are coming up!!! Here’s the first:

My Grandad and Grandma (on my Dad’s side) came to visit us in San Antonio!!! We ate, shopped, toured the Alamo, ate, shopped, went up the Tower of the America’s, ate, shopped, went on the Riverwalk, ate, shopped, went to Six Flags, ate and shopped.


Now, before I tell you all about San Antonio, I need to mention Austin!!! Part of Dad’s  Christmas present to Mom was the Handels Messiah concert performed by the Austin Symphony!!! At 7am he put this card up on the cupboard, and she had to wait till 2:30pm to open it. And inside was a card saying that at 5:15 she and her daughters were invited to go out to an Italian restaurant then to the Messiah. The food was delizioso, and the Hallelujah Chorus gave me chills; good ones!!!?

Now for San Antonio!!!


The Alamo is a famous old fort.This is where Davey Crockett and some other guys tried to defend against the Mexicans but all died. Every single man died – except one slave. But this defeat led to a battle which completely defeated Santa Anna and gave birth to Texas. Remember the Alamo!


Layout of the battle scene.


This was an actor portraying a doctor from way back in the olden days (I think it was in the 1990’s ?). He offered to remove Lanaya’s toothache and amputate Cassia’s arm. Such a kind man.


We went up to the cafe in the Tower of the Americas. It had an amazing view, but unfortunately, this is the only view you get to see! We got to witness a motor vehicle fire and all the emergency vehicles rushing to its aid while we were up there.


San Antonio has a really neat river walk. You can ride these boats and the tour guide tells you all about the buildings and their history. You can also walk for miles along the rivers edge. It was pretty neat. It was also pretty cold. As in very cold. But we stopped in restaurants to warm up!


We also had our first Christmas a little early while we were there! Us three girls each got hydration backpacks for hiking. Mine even matches my hiking boots!!!


This ride was definitely one of my top three favourite at Six Flags. Grandad was a good sport and went on most of the rides with us. Mind you it was a little embarrassing when he put his arms in the air on the little kid ride… ?


This is just a cool picture Dad took, playing with his camera. ?

It was a great week in San Antonio – we just don’t have pictures of every time we ate and shopped. Otherwise this blog post would be too long. ?

Thanks Grandad and Grandma!!!?

8 thoughts on “San Antonio

  1. Jody Jeannot says:

    Hi Raquenna!! Happy New Year!! I have been enjoying reading your blogs ! You are doing a fantastic job describing your experiences and making your readers feel like they are right there with you!! You and your family are learning so much and are so very fortunate to have this opportunity. Keep on posting and enjoy every minute! The memories will last a lifetime!!

  2. John & Elaine says:

    Grampa had moved your blog into a separate file so I had to hunt for it. Thanks for writing. I have read about the Alamo in western books. Sad but interesting.
    Nice to chat with you.

  3. Steven says:

    That was a real fun time being together with you all!
    You expressed it well ! We ate shopped, went sight-seeing
    Came home for a rest, tired, but very happy?

  4. Ruth Simonyi- Gindele says:

    That was such a happy time being together with you all!
    Raquenna, you expressed it well,We ate ,We shopped , We went sight-seeing !!
    We came back to Vancouver , tired but happy!!! ?

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