Prince Edward Island 

“Yaaayyy!!! We’re going on a ferry!” *Pause* “What kind of ferry is that?!??!?” I have never been on a ferry where the front of the boat opens upward. So I definitely had my doubts about how well the ferry would float! But we made it to the other side and I am still here to tell y’all about it so it obviously sealed pretty well!?

PEI was a beautiful place! A lot like how I thought it would be, with the red dirt and green fields. It was sunny the whole time we were there but it did rain once – right after we washed the truck!?

Sitting in the ferry terminal, on a Wednesday afternoon, waiting to drive into the looming, shadowy boat was a little intimidating! And then when I saw cars driving down a ramp deeper into the boat that has a lid that closes on it so someone else can park overtop I almost freaked out. I mean, I am not claustrophobic but if I had had to park down in the depths of the boat – I might’ve had some troubles breathing!??? It definitely made me thankful for a truck and camper!!!

Why do I feel like this is the typical stereotype of Prince Edward Island? …As it should be!?  But when I looked out the window as we were pulling in to dock I knew I was on PEI. It should’ve been obvious when I got on a ferry that was going to PEI that I was going there, but when I saw the red dirt, cliffs and a lighthouse, it just clicked!??


While we were on the island Lanaya got married!!! Just kidding!? But she did play dress up with Cassia every chance she got. You see, we were staying with Scott and Wilma McLeod and Wilma showed them the dress up box soon after we arrived so we all got to see everything in the box!

On Thursday we set out to tour some of the island, and, of course, if you’re on PEI you’ve got to go to Anne of Green Gables! So we headed that way, and thank goodness, they were open! (Nothing opens, it seems, on PEI until after the May long weekend. So we sometimes had troubles going to places.)


Mom told me to stick this picture on here… Feel free to laugh at the way the bangs on the hat stick straight out – I almost died laughing when I saw the bangs!????

We walked through the “haunted woods” which wasn’t as scary as I thought it was going to be but if you stop to imagine it through Anne’s mind it would’ve been kinda scary!



We walked through the house – which is built just like it would’ve been in the book. This room is Anne’s.


We walked down Lover’s Lane – it was beautiful! There were tall deciduous trees lining the dirt road, and because the trees were just leafing out the sun was filtered through the leaves.


After Anne of Green Gables we went for lunch – where I had the most delicious burger!!!? It may have tasted so good because I was ravenously hungry or else because the Captain Kidds place knows how to make a very good burger! It was, also, the only place that was open!?


After lunch we went on a bike ride along the coast in the National Park, it was gorgeous!

On our bike ride I saw this little hole in the rock, and desperately wished I had some sort of camera! And then when I was syncing the camera I saw that Dad – who had driven to the end of the trail – had stopped and taken a photo I was very excited!!!


That night we drove out to some random point on the coast to see the sunset!

On Friday morning we ran some errands and did some shopping then went to Boomburger for lunch! If you’ve ever been to a Five Guys this is almost exactly the same – except Boomburger doesn’t have peanuts and all of their food is made from PEI grown things.

Then we went to Cows!!!!!!? Wow – that is some good ice cream!!! Fact: the quicker your ice cream melts the more “real” it is. And that ice cream was just about melting faster than I could eat it!?


That night was Youth night before conference – there I met Charity who made being the “visitor” so much easier! (I told you I’d mention you?)

Sierra, Athena, Amanda, Sara, and Jana – it was a great weekend! Thanks SO much for befriending me, and I can’t wait to see you guys next weekend!!!

On Monday was fun day! We played frisbee, soccer, volleyball, and a bunch of other things! It was a blast – and by the end of the day I could throw the frisbee more than 15 feet! (For those who have never played a sport with me – I’m not the most athletic person you’ve ever met…?)


That evening we set out for Donnie and Carrie’s again – you can’t get rid of us just yet? – and took the Confederation bridge off the Island.

After an exhausting weekend at Bible conference?, we slept – or, at least, tried to – most of the way to Donnie and Carrie’s!

Seeing Prince Edward Island and the beautiful red cliffs was amazing! Meeting all the new people I met at conference was uplifting, and I can’t wait to see y’all again!!!

0 thoughts on “Prince Edward Island 

  1. Ruth Simonyi- Gindele says:

    This is another fascinating post. PEI is a very pretty place & you saw much more of it than we did.
    Keep up the good work Raquenna ! We still think you have enough material to write a book some day!
    We look forward to getting your posts! Grandad & Grandma S-G

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