Oh, Canada

Woot woot!!! *Happy dance* We are back in Canada!!!!! Even though we are further from home than we’ve been in a long time it still feels like we are SO much closer to home! …Probably because there is a Tim Hortons on every corner.??? Anywaaayyyy… We left Maine on a beautiful day and entered Canada on an even beautifuller day.?  But before we had made it too far things got a little slimy!

We stopped for lunch on the side of the road, and Dad went down to the beach to look for agats, but found some mud instead!? He thought it was just the slippery mud so gently stepped onto it and then proceeded to sink past his ankles into the mud.? Ewwwww!!!

Maybe, just maybe you may be able to see the flag – the Canadian flag!!!! We were just crossing the river into Canada at this point so we were taking a million pictures of anything Canadian we could see!!!?

First thing you’ve got to do after entering back into Canada after eight months is go to a Timmy’s! It was AMAZING!!! Not to give a biased opinion or anything but the Tim Hortons Honey Cruller is definitely #1!


And we met up with another Glen Ewenite in Fredericton!

Of course, we can’t go through New Brunswick without visiting my Mom’s relatives! We spent two days at Uncle Rob and Aunty DorieLyn’s house, where we were entertained royally. They had a lot of other family over too so we could visit with them all!

The Maritimes have this really neat trail that used to be an old railway line. We rode this trail for a few kilometres into Fredericton with Aunty Charlene and her kids. It was a neat ride with great company! Poor Lanaya has the hardest bike to pedal in our whole family so when we went on a bike ride she was having a lot of trouble keeping up! I rode her bike for a while so she could have a break and after five minutes my legs were killing me!!! Eventually I looked back and I couldn’t see Lanaya or Dad anywhere so I just assumed that they had turned back. But all of a sudden I saw them coming towards us with Dad towing Lanaya. They had stopped at the hardware store for some rope and a bungee caord and after that there was much less complaining…


This is the neat pedestrian bridge that we rode over.

Our time in New Brunswick was more of a “people” time than sightseeing! We had a great brunch with Jon & Melissa Howard, and then a great supper the same day with the Howard’s Sr in another city! Talk about practical hospitality – as we were going to be sleeping in the parking lot of the Gospel Hall, they invited us over for supper and showers and laundry! Very appreciated.

The Macdonald’s also specialize in practical hospitality! We ate and showered there too! And Rebecca even took us shopping and I found a jean skirt!!!!!

Hopewell Rocks National Park gives you a pretty good view of the famous tides in the Bay of Fundy! We took a couple of pictures then came back an hour later and the tide was already way out past the rock on the left! There were lots of cool rocks and the mud was super slimy!!!


Beware – rebels on the loose at Hopewell Rocks!

I just figured out in the last week or so how to skip rocks!! But every time Dad tries to get action shots of the rock skipping I mess up and all that happens is Dad gets nice pictures of water splashing!??

Mom let me “do” her eyebrows… with some of the nice, red New Brunswick mud!!! Definitely got to say that Mom looks waaaaay better with her natural eyebrows!!!? But the mud probably had some exfoliating qualities so now her eyebrows are nice and exfoliated!!!?

Then we travelled into Nova Scotia…but that’s another blog post!

One thought on “Oh, Canada

  1. Sandra Livingstone says:

    And I am waiting to read the blog on PEI conference this weekend! It has been ten years since I came to the Middle East and I still miss our conference every year. I organized a hymn sing for the young people at a home on Saturday night, the big hymn sing at the school after gospel meeting on Sunday night, and then I planned a fun day at my cottage for all the young people who stayed around for the holiday. Most years I had more than 100 people for whom I barbequed and prepared food for lunch and supper (or packaged take home food for the roads as they left). During the conference I worked in the kitchen from 6 a.m. until everything was prepped for the next day and cleaned up at the end of the evening. After the hymn sing on Sunday night, the entire kitchen and auditorium had to be packed up and cleaned out. We didn’t get much sleep but we were in the ‘service’ mode for the whole weekend and loved it. Yep, I’ll probably shed a few tears on the weekend when I see pics or when someone skypes me from the kitchen! And I’ll be anxiously awaiting pictures and blog posting about PEI. I’ve read all of them so far and enjoy following you guys around North America, but now you are hitting pretty special soil and where I spent my entire life until coming to the Middle East to work.

    Keep on writing (and having fun as you travel)!


    Forget about yesterday’s mistakes. Don’t worry about tomorrow’s problems.?? Today is your gift to enjoy! That’s why it’s called the “present.”?? Make the most of it!!??


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