New York

We pulled into a campsite Thursday afternoon, which was basically a parking lot with hook ups, on the New Jersey side of the Hudson River. We left an hour or so later and took the train to New York City!!!

The Empire State Building was amazing!!! We went all the way up to the 102nd observation deck which meant we got to stop at the 86th floor and the 80th! It was super cool to look down at the people and see how tiny they got each time we went higher!

This was the view from the 86th floor-which was an outdoor observation deck! It was so cool to look out, unrestricted, and see all the buildings, the architecture was SO cool!!! And to look waaaay down and see all the little ants that we call human beings…?

From the 102nd floor it looked like a lot of the buildings were the size of lego blocks!

We ate New York hot dogs for supper! (Definitely overrated-they tasted the same to me!!!? I think it must be more about the experience!?)

As we were walking to Times Square there were some street performers just getting started, so we stopped to watch! They chose Dad(far left) and four others to flip over!!! He came running super fast and never even touched, or hurt,? anybody!!! It was quite an impressive feat!

Times Square was basically just like I had pictured it-the taxis, the people, the big screens everywhere- it was an experience!!! Up in the right corner is an orange looking building and on top of it is the ball that drops on New Years!

Friday morning we drove to Liberty State park, which has the ferry with the destinations Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty! The tickets to the top of the crown were sold out all of the way to August, but we still got to climb the pedestal, which is probably just over halfway from the ground to her crown! If you looked up from the back you could see her foot and her hair, and from the front the tablet in her hand and her face. After touring through the museum, which is about all of the ideas behind lady Liberty and is super interesting, we took the ferry back to Ellis Island! We took about two minutes to buzz through, and then because we were all starving, took the ferry over to New York, and I had the most amazing Greek gyro for lunch!!!?

We walked a couple of blocks up to the 9/11 Memorial, which is really sad. We also did the museum which was heart wrenching! They have so many accounts and pictures, about everything.

We took the train to Klienfelds, a bridal shop that has its own TV show, Say Yes to the Dress! Dad despises it because it is about ladies picking out their wedding dresses and its all drama-but us girls enjoy it- so he stopped and took a picture of us awkwardly standing in front of the store! My face was as pink as my coat!!!?

We then had pizza for supper, got back on the subway and got off at Central Park! Walked a couple of feet-just to say we’ve been there- and then took the train all the way back to our camper! That’s when we realized that the truck was still parked over at Liberty State Park-so Dad and Cassia walked 20 minutes, on exhausted feet, over to the park to pick up the truck. New York was super amazing but it is definitely something that you have to experience all by yourself! The people that are always moving, the cars that are always honking, and everything everywhere that you have just got to see!


0 thoughts on “New York

  1. Becky MacLeod says:

    Brave soul, your dad! (or crazy ?) It appears by the center position of the flipper guy that he’s going to make it. But I still think I’d rather be the first guy in the obstacle than the last! Just in case…? New York city is fun to visit- but I sure wouldn’t want to live there.

  2. Karla Douglas says:

    Oh that’s funny! Shawn got “jumped” by some street performers too, in Orlando. Looks like the same act, they said they were from New York. They must like picking on the bald guys! I can only imagine how exciting and overwhelming New York would be when you are used to the wide open Sask prairies. I would love the experience. I sure am enjoying all your blogging about the places you’ve been to. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Ruth Simonyi- Gindele says:

    Enjoyed this blog again thank you. I think NY is a fascinating place. So glad you got to see the sights! We actually ate in the restaurant at the top of the Trade Centre with Patrick , 2 months before 9/11.when we went for his daughter’s wedding. Glad you were able to go up the Empire State Building
    Great views. Good picture of Times Square. The whole place looked “alive” ?Grandma

  4. Heather Gratias says:

    Thank you for your posts!! This is one place I SO want to visit. Maybe one day…
    I can’t stand that show “say yes to the dress” either but I would have ventured inside to experience the drama of the price tags!
    What a fun experience to see history alive ♡

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