Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida!!!

Last time I wrote we had left Louisiana, and now in this post we are in Mississippi, Alabama, and now Florida! Which seems funny that we can drive through a single State in just a few hours, after driving and driving…and driving……..and then driving some more through Texas.?


We spent the weekend getting to know Jabe Nicholson. He is a missionary who works with, well, just about everybody up in Starkville, Mississippi. He has Bible studies in his home with the college students on Fridays. He visits schools and helps them out, and a whole lot of other things!!! So when we called and told him we were going to be there over the weekend he said he would give us a tour of the town. So we took him up on his offer and had a great time with him!!! He told us stories of how the Lord was working, how he had opened doors, and answered prayers. We went to the bible study on Friday; after going to this AMAZING barbecue place for supper, Dooey’s I think it was.? And then on Saturday we went for lunch at Oby’s, which is a Southern Cajun restaurant! One thing I learned from him, is when you pray believe that God is going to answer your prayers. This was helpful to me because sometimes I put God into a little box so that I can try to understand him, and in doing that I limit what I think God might be able to handle. “…With God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26, the Bible)


After leaving Starkville, and staying overnight in a walmart parking lot, we arrived in Mobile, Alabama. In Mobile we spent most of our time at the campsite, relaxing, but Monday, January 23 we went and toured the USS Alabama warship, and the USS Drum submarine. The warship was HUGE, I would have gotten lost if we weren’t following the arrows…? They have got, what seemed like, everything you need to survive on land, piled onto a warship, then beds wherever there isn’t vital equipment. If you’re the tailor then you sleep in the room where you fix the clothes. If your the radio guys then you sleep above the radio. It seemed like every square inch of space was purposeful. The Submarine was squishy, and everything was covered in dials, knobs, and switches.

The hugenormous ship, from tip to tip.


The weather in Mobile was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! It was nice and warm during the day, but at night it got “cold.”? We sat outside and did school, my sisters played with another family that was there, and I went swimming. Mind you, they don’t heat their pools in the winter, so the water was FREEZING!!!!!! And its not like your unheated pool in the backyard, its more like you’re trying to swim laps but you can’t because your muscles are all sluggish… But we survived.?


After Mobile was Gulf State Park Campground. Which, I think, should have been named Gulf State Park Resort, because it was the nicest S.P. I’ve ever stayed in!!! There were paved biking/running trails, tennis court, basketball hoops, and a ginormous (unheated?) swimming pool! The beach was nice as well, with the superfine, bleached white coloured sand, and the waves were pretty big! Although we didn’t go swimming, it was too cold and windy!


Did y’all know it was possible to cook a turkey dinner in a camper!?!? It is, and it tasted AMAZING! Plus, this is a beautiful photo of my parents, so I just had to share!


We have finally entered Florida, and so far, I think everyday we’ve been to the beach!!!! The campground we spent the weekend at had the beautiful blue ocean and white sandy beach at our finger tips. The ocean water is finally all blue, and not the brown it has been for the past few weeks. The water’s also some what warmer!!!?

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