Merry Christmas and Sweet Sixteen

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!!!! Yes, I know it’s a bit late… But better late than never!!!? I hope your holidays were filled with cheer and that they reminded you a bit of our Saviour as we celebrated his birthday!

This year the teens from the Glen Ewen Gospel Hall were invited to sing at the Glen Ewen Community Christmas Concert! Us teens, directed by my very patient mom, opened the concert with Silent Night and Winter Wonderland. Later on, about half way through, we sang It’s About the Cross and Little Drummer Boy. I only included the video of the first two songs – but, in my humble opinion, prepare to be amazed!!!!!


A week later it was our school Christmas concert; A Party in a Pear Tree. It is a play based off of the song A Partridge in a Pear Tree. Lanaya was one of the eight-maids-a-milking, and did an awesome job!!!! (She’s on the far left in this photo)


The next morning, Friday, December 22, we headed out to British Columbia for Christmas. I got to drive for five hours across Saskatchewan – which was very exciting!!!! Then I got to drive from Chilliwack, through Vancouver, to the ferry!!!! I think it was a little stressful for my mom, in the backseat, but we made it through, and don’t have any scratches or dents on our truck!


One of my Grandpa’s presents this year was the liver of Cassia’s deer… Let’s just say I’m thankful Grandma already had meals planned for the week and didn’t decide to serve it up while we were there…?


Grandma spoiled us and made the whole fancy turkey dinner, which was amazing!!!!! Then the sink pipe started leaking… But that’s why grandparents have handy sons-in-laws who know what to do…? Dad found what piece we needed to fix so that it would work, bought the piece, and then we did the dishes.


On Christmas day I took some photos of my sisters… Here’s one of Cassia that should be called “Forest Maiden” or something like that…


Another one of Cassia… Probably one of my favourites!


Here’s one of Lanaya, maybe “Urban Princess” for a title…?


Another one of Lanaya!


On Thursday we went back to the main land and met up with my family from the Fairfield side!!! It was so good to see them all again and catch up!!!!!!


Then a very exciting thing happened… Our Grandad and Grandma SG gave us skiing lessons!!!!!! We started Monday and finished Wednesday! Plus, we got to do them on Grouse Mountain, where I have a lot of Christmas childhood memories!


Skiing was a blast, and very challenging. My muscles were jello the second day and i was so afraid! But I faced by fears, decided to take the giant leap outside of my comfort zone, and ended up rather enjoying myself!!!


Isaac, my cousin, came after our lesson on Tuesday and stayed the day while my parents went down the mountain. Cassia, Lanaya, and Isaac would sometimes go and do hard blue runs – that required bum-scooching – on my sister’s part- But I did one of the blue runs!!! It took my second try to make it down the steep part standing up… The first time I ended up upside down, backwards, with my feet under me, lying on my skiis going down the hill… I still have no idea how I managed that, but I’m sure Isaac, Cassia, and Lanaya found it rather humorous!?

Sooo… While we were in Vancouver my dad recorded some Christian spoken word poetry. It sounds so cool and every time I watch it I have a proud daughter moment!!!? WOW!!! I’m getting tingles just writing about it…!


Then we made the long drive home – just in time for my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I turned 16, which was super exciting because it meant I got to get my license…. But because I travelled NA for a year it means I have to keep learners until the beginning of August… I think it was totally worth it! Check out the sweet license cake plate that Cassia and Lanaya decorated. It was their first cake ever. They did a great job!!!


Then the Monday after we got back my dad got his shed delivered!!! Once he gets it set up he’ll be all set to begin woodworking again! I’ve already got a project lined up for him…?

This post took a while to get up, but I’ve had Drivers Ed twice this week, and bootcamp started up again, and Young People’s (for my Birthday), and archery, and I did some cruise planning, as well as getting back into the school routine. That long run on sentence concludes my week, excluding the fact that half of our sewer isn’t working so the dishwasher is currently draining onto the lawn… #prairielife Plus the time it took to write this post, well, it all adds up as a rather hectic week!

I was ready to post this, but I now want to add a prayer request. We came home from Gospel Meeting to a mini flood in the entry way, and my parents bedroom. The sewer plugged and we had water that was running down the drains, to keep the pipes open. Only the water froze in the pipes and had no where to go but back up… So please pray that God will give us all energy and a sense of privacy, even though there are a bunch of strangers in our home, and that our house will be put back together very quickly!

One thought on “Merry Christmas and Sweet Sixteen

  1. Elaine Fairfield says:

    It was wonderful having you all here for Christmas , although I can see the trials that can occur when it is freezing on the prairies and you are away!!! Your singing was wonderful! I would think your friends will be envious of the many hours you clocked driving and some in the big city too. Trust your house is back together soon. Love Grandma & Grampa

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