
“The brakes don’t work.”  That’s what Dad told us as we started out on the Thompson’s Argo. And seeing as we were headed down the hill to the lake, it really boosted my confidence… Not!?  Plus, Dad had never driven one of these before so it was rather intimidating to climb onto a machine I’ve never seen before, that has no brakes, and my Dad has never driven before.

We took three wrong turns before we found the right trail but by then I had figured Dad knew what he was doing so I could relax and restore the circulation in my knuckles.? We made it all the way down to the lake and Dad decide to drive into the water! Because apparently Argo’s work as boats, too. We all climbed out – except for Dad, who believed that it would float so actually backed it into the water, and it did float!


We spent the weekend with the Thompson’s in Augusta, Maine and enjoyed the fire burning Sunday afternoon and all day Monday. It was so nice because outside was rainy and cold.

The daffodils were so pretty with the raindrops on their petals, so I tried to take some photos.?

Thank you SO much having us for several days! Us girls all had a great, relaxing time in front of the fire watching movies, making mochas, and playing ping pong!

This was the last Chick-fil-A before Canada so, of course, we had to stop here!!!? They definitely need to move to Canada!?

Acadia National Park is, apparently, the first place to see the sun rise in the U.S.A. So at four in the morning we got up and went to see the sunrise. It wouldn’t have been super cold, but the wind knifed through you, so we brought blankets to curl up in!

Dad had the tripod set up to hold the camera still, to get the perfect shot but it never came!? There were some rain clouds that covered the sun coming up, so twenty minutes later the sun finally peeked through some clouds.

I’ve seen this at home on the bus in the winter at a reasonable time of eight – so it was rather disappointing to have to wake up at four and go see something I’ve already seen.?

By the time we had eaten breakfast it was 6:00 so we went on a 9.6km bike ride! We changed 356 metres in elevation so that definitely slowed us down some! But it also made riding down hill SO much more enjoyable!!! At 8:30am we ate lunch – our day was a little bit messed up after waking up at four in the morning!?

Next up was Thunder Hole! The waves would rush down this crack in the rock and pound into a hole(you can’t see it from this angle) and would make a very loud boom – just like thunder!

We also walked out to Bar Island on dry land. The tide goes out and leaves a sand bar that you can walk across for about two or three hours. As you can see from the sign you wouldn’t want to leave your car parked here, because the tide does flow back in.?

We also went to Tidal Falls. Not worth the twenty minute drive… We thought it would be a water fall that flowed up instead of down when the tide changed – it wasn’t. It was a river that changed direction – all we saw was a couple of whitecaps. The fact the river changed directions was cool, but the fact that the things you read said that there would be waves and it would look kind of like a water fall was lame. But there were lots of snails so we picked them off the rocks and threw them into the water…?

It was a good day but going to bed at 8pm, and falling asleep right way, felt a little weird!??

0 thoughts on “Maine

  1. Cynthia Burnell says:

    Sorry the sun rise wasn’t more splendid (worth getting up at 4 am for)I am not a poet. Rod and I felt the same way about the reversing falls. But we love thunder hole, and that entire drive. I recall when we visited several years ago, we were advised not to try the carriage trails in our wheelchairs, Really enjoyed your photos. It is a beautiful place.
    Rod really like your account of your experience in the Argo.

  2. Ronda Sturgill says:

    What a great time. I’m enjoying all your Adventures. Look like so fun. Sending love and prayers to you all

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