This past week we camped at Malibu Beach. It was a gorgeous location, and every morning I would step out of the camper and think, Whoa, that’s really pretty!!!☺️ I don’t have a good photo- so I’ll paint you a picture. We were camped up on a hill, and you couldn’t see the road below. The water was blue, and along the edge of the campsite were some green bushes with little red flowers. And once we even saw some whales!!! Well… I didn’t, but Lanaya did.?


When we first arrived in LA we stopped at Young & Tracy’s. They had chicks, that they had hatched themselves, who liked to climb all over whoever held them. So the three of them burrowed in Cassia ‘s neck. If Cassia was a guy, we could say she is quite the chick magnet…?


A sweet picture of Lanaya skim boarding! She makes it look so easy… The last time I tried my arms were flailing everywhere, and I almost got a face full of sand.? Mom just laughed.?


Some dolphins we saw along the coast! There must have been some fish somewhere out there because the pelicans were out there divin too.


Every night there was a gorgeous sunset and the colors would reflect off of the wet sand, so it was like a double sunset!?


The start of an AWESOME day!!! Knotts Berry Farm! Let me give you a bit of history; back at Lanaya’s birthday Aunty Selene gave all of us some money to spend at an attraction while on our trip! So this is what we used it for! (Aunt Selene: Thank you soooooooo much, we had a blast, and enjoyed every minute!!!) This was our first ride, the Jaguar. In total we went on it six times, throughout the day, of course☺️, and figured out that the back is the craziest, and that even though you’ve ridden it six times, you still scream!?


Before we entered the park, I said, “We definitely need to go on that ride!!!” It is called the Ghostrider, and looks can be deceiving..? Our smiles of excitement disappeared soon after this photo was taken. That is because I was terrified… It wouldn’t have been so bad, if my arms didn’t feel like they were going to fly off, at any second…? We pulled out of the station going a nice pace, then slowly chugged up…and up…and up. And whatever goes up must come down! So we flew down, then up, then down, then up, and so on for about three minutes, turning a corner every once in a while. It was fun..ish, but by the end of that ride my arms were weak from trying to hold myself in.? Now, you all know the picture they take while you’re on the ride, right? This is a little embarrassing…but you’ve got to get the whole picture right…?? I looked genuinely terrified. Most of the time, in these things, I’ve got my mouth open and my eyes are smiling, but in this photo, it was my “We are all going to die face.” And Cassia was actually screaming – she usually looks bored. HOW DO YOU LOOK BORED ON A ROLLER COASTER??? Anyway… she was screaming, except she didn’t look like she thought she was going to die…?? The Ghostrider taught me that three minutes after you’ve gotten off, it seems a whole lot more fun…?


The last ride of the day, a spinning swinging arm. This ride also taught me a lesson, Do not overthink it!!! The arm swings you past vertical, which is fine until, in the middle of the ride, you start thinking, “What if the power quits?” And when all that holds you in is the bar that swings down over your head, and you’ve got nothing to hold on to, and you don’t know about fail safe, you seriously feel like your life could end any second…? I had great fun, but I must say, never think about what happens if the power quits, and there’s a cement pad below…?

One of the best things about the day was that there were no line ups. We could just go over and over without even having to walk back to the entrance.

Another ride we rode again and again was the Pony Express! We started out of the station astride “horses” (no sitting back on this ride!), then stopped. All of a sudden you would launch and go flying. It was SO much fun, and we had a great time, every time! It was a great day, and a blast!!!

0 thoughts on “LA

  1. Auntie Selene says:

    I am so thankful I can contribute to your ‘educational’ learning on your trip!!! 🙂

    Glad you had such a great time! xoxoxo

    • kenna13 says:

      Yes, thank you again…!!! I did learn something that day though… If there is a power outage the safety release thing will keep holding me in- I am not going to fall out!?So it was a very educational day!

  2. Ruth Simonyi-Gindele says:

    Sounds like a fun day! Glad you enjoyed those scary rides! (I’d pass) The scenery & sunsets look lovely. When do you get to SAN Diego!? Love & our prayers to all . Grandma& GrandadS-Gxo

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