Just a Little More

Surprise!!!!!! You see, before we came home we went to the Badlands for a couple of days. The fact we are home is much better than the day spent in the badlands so I had to share that first… but I’m not quite done showing up in your inbox just yet.?

Now on to the Badlands…

In 1935, Wall Drug wasn’t getting any costumers – so they stuck up a sign for free water and five cent coffee. A they say, the rest is history, and they are now a flourishing tourist trap. That’s where we spent our Monday afternoon.


There is basically a tiny mall inside this store that sells everything and anything!!!


They even sold Jackalope’s!!!?? The hunting season for these guys is only one day a year – June 31.


We also saw one of these… I’ve been scarred for life.?


The next day was the Badlands! It was so cool because the colours were the same as Death Valley, but the shape of it all reminded me more of Zion, Bryce, and the Grand Canyon.


I am so glad we have a truck because in South Dakota there are no rules about riding in the box of the truck! So we got our lawn chairs out, and enjoyed ourselves immensely, but when we came across a herd of bison things got a little scary…?


Sitting in a truck bed looking at a huge herd of ginormous bison is a lot more intimidating then from inside the truck!!!! Especially when they’re just six feet away…? But this one I laughed at because with every plod this guy’s afro shook everywhere!?

Hey, what did the mother buffalo say to her son when he left home? “Bye son!” (If you read it out loud – you’ll understand…?)


After we drove through the herd we came across some bikers, so we turned around and gave them a ride through the bison. I would definitely have not wanted to ride a bike through a herd of bison UPHILL – especially when it’s scary enough watching them from the back of the truck!!!!!!


To finish off our day we say the cutest little fawn!!!?

The badlands were super cool – although definitely not very cool temperature wise!!! It was really neat to see a place that reminded me of some of the great memories we made months ago!!!!!

6 thoughts on “Just a Little More

  1. Susanne says:

    Thanks for sharing your journey, R! I’ve enjoyed following along, fascinated with your adventures and chuckling at your humour! Welcome home!

  2. Ruth Simonyi-Gindele says:

    That was a very interesting postscript Raquenna.,never knew this place existed! You were wise to view the Bison from the truck & kind of you to give the cyclists a ride foo
    What a wealth of memories you have! Glad you are home & so looking forward to seeing you all in person.
    Love Grandma & Grandad

  3. Gary N Sharp says:

    Truly enjoyed the trip thru your eyes and words. Especially liked the fawn pic! God bless and enjoy your home time!

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