
Eat, swim, sleep, swim, shop, swim!!!

This week Dad was taking a course in Harrisburg, PA and he thoughtfully booked us a campsite with a heated pool!!! Best decision ever, seeing as we spent at least half of our time, in Harrisburg, in the pool! This post isn’t much to read but it was really nice for us to swim, relax, watch movies, and go shopping.

Cassia rockin’ a dive!

I did go swimming – but I was the one taking the pictures!

Cool bridge leading up to the Parliament buildings in Downtown Harrisburg as we head to pick Dad up from his course.

Harrisburg is really close to Lancaster – which is the heart of Amish country. It was really cool to see the buggies driving on the shoulders of the road, and then parked in the mall parking lot.

Last night we went to see Jonah at the Sight and Sound Theatre! It was so amazing!!! You’re sitting in theatre seats and the play is going on in front of you, as well as on either side of you at certain points! My favourite scene was when Jonah “drowning” in the ocean because Jellyfish came down from the ceiling above you, there were fish “swimming” around – there was even a shark!!! It was SOOOOOOOOOO cool!!!??

This morning at the pool there was a speed trap in front of the campground. I was sitting there working on this blog post when one of the cops turned its lights and siren on, and took off after a car. It made for an exciting couple of hours. Cassia asked one of the police men what they were doing and he showed her the “clock” they use for clocking how fast the cars are going between two white lines painted on the road. Pretty cool!!!

This week wasn’t much of a sightseeing week and more of a relaxing week – guess we’re getting lazy in our old age…?

3 thoughts on “Harrisburg 

  1. darigova says:

    Hey! I was pretty close to Harrisburg last weekend. I went to Fort Ashby, WV and Cumberland, MD and we drove back to NJ through PA, and of course drove by Harrisburg! So nice you had a relaxed week! Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip!

  2. Ruth Simonyi-Gindele says:

    So glad you took time for some rest & relaxation!
    Soon you will be heading home , but you have had som great experiences.! Had not heard of Harrisburg, need to look up the map . So looking forward to your visit . Love Grandma & Grandad.

  3. Grampa & Grandma says:

    Loved that photo of your sisters supervising the police officer! Are you enjoying the Creation Museum next? Love you all.

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