Go Home, Pneumonia

I’m breaking my longtime procrastination of writing a blog post about literally the best summer ever to ask you all to pray for my mom. Sunday she wasn’t feeling well… Monday didn’t go too well either… Tuesday she figured out she had the flu… Wednesday, Dad took her in to the hospital. She ended up staying overnight to get rehydrated and so that they could check for lung infection… This morning, Thursday, I woke up to the fact that Mom has pneumonia. This is the sickest I have ever seen her, and it is honestly a little scary and stressful for all of us! She is in the hospital again tonight, and will be until they release her. Please pray for my mom – that she will heal quickly and safely, and that our family will work together to keep some semblance of order in our home.

Mom is in isolation right now but thankfully we are allowed in to see her! And I mean – we do look pretty good in our itchy masks and rubber gloves!?

14 thoughts on “Go Home, Pneumonia

  1. Elaine Fairfield says:

    Dear Raquenna, we are concerned about your Mom too and are praying for a quick and complete recovery. It is scary when Mom gets sick for she is the heart of the home. All the best to everyone of you. Love you all, Grandma & Grampa

  2. Carrie says:

    Praying in Cape Breton! For healing for your mom and peace for all of you. And teamwork and organization on the home front while she needs to be out of commission. And that God’s purpose in all of this will be fully realized to his honour and glory. Love you guys! ❤️

  3. Mom says:

    Thanks for not posting a picture of me in this blog post. ?? Thanks for all your help at home and how much you’re giving up this weekend. ❤️

  4. Kim says:

    I have been praying for you! I know you all got this! I worked w/ Cassia & Lanaya & you are all very responsible & resourceful. Love you all.

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