Flood Renovations

Wow, I kind of got a little overwhelmed looking at these photos. Remember I mentioned that our house flooded? A water line thawed at the same time that the sewer pipe froze so we came home from Gospel Meeting to an inch of water throughout one end of the house. It has made life interesting for the last six months. So interesting that it’s even overwhelming looking through the photos. I will attempt to just go room by room for you… First off: the Master Bedroom.


This is my parents room completely emptied – when they were getting ready to rip out the carpet and putting up new drywall.


Once they got the walls and carpet in we emptied our kitchen – and most of it ended up in their bedroom. So my parents had a fairly extended stay out in the camper…


After they finally got the kitchen cabinets ripped out and some of the cabinets up again my parents unpacked everything out of their room, and so here Cassia and my Dad were getting ready to set up the bed.


And finally after two months their room is back together and redone in lighter colours.


This is currently what my parents bathroom looks like… So it obviously needs a bit more work.?


Our kitchen before they took out the cabinets…


Emptying everything our of the cabinets and drawers…


The living room and my parents room was the only place to put things so things were a little squishy for a couple of weeks…


The cabinets are gone and the floor is being prepped for the linoleum… We had to use our other door on the other side of the house for a day because we weren’t allowed to walk on the floor…


And finnally the cabinets are up!!! We now have our fridge where all those tools are, as well as a sink. We also currently have makeshift counter tops (boards) as our counter tops still haven’t come in. Otherwise our kitchen is fully functioning!


My dads study/office with a new colour of walls – black! I thought it would look incredibly depressing but it actually looks really cool and reflects the light quite nicely. He put in wood floors, too, instead of carpet and it really pulls the whole study together.


Mom painted the roof and had white paint all over her.


Here Dad and I are putting together his desk – and yes, I am doing something, not just sitting there…? We had to put in the legs and so I am holding up my end while he does his!

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Finally finished!!!!


While the ronvations were happening our toilet and shower slowly stopped working. Our toilet would run continually – and we eventually got a part that fixed it. However in the shower down our end of the house the water pressure was non existent when on cold but really nice once you turned it to hot – very hot… So here my dad is fixing the shower – it now works even though a piece broke and we had to buy another…?

Now for the fun stuff that happened while we were renovating…


I went to a conference in Austin with some of the teens from Glen Ewen. This photo represents the fact that after traveling for an hour-and-a-half, and it is getting close to eleven, and you stop for a Timmy’s (Tim Hortons) break you really don’t care that you’re wearing socks and flip flops when you get out of the car… The conference was really nice and i really enjoyed a message that kind of ties into ELA… He was telling us to pay attention to the little words at the beginning of a verse, especially in the epistles. Those little words explaining the verse before, and it really helped me to understand what was happening in Romans 10:1-15.


A wild flower in our yard which will stand in place of a photo from Winnipeg Conference – because the only pictures I have are from my friends spamming my phone, and I don’t think they’d appreciate me too much if I posted them…? The weather in Winnipeg was beautiful – allowing for nice walks during the breaks and some time in the sun. One of the preacher’s told us something that really struck me as beautiful… In the first part of Isaiah 49:16 it says “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands;…” The man speaking just pointed out that God could’ve engraved us on his heart – but he engraved us on his hands because he can always look down and see his hands and use them. And it just kind of reminded me that He is always looking out for us. I also really enjoyed the fact that we have never disappointed God – he knows about about every sin that we will commit but he still chooses to love us anyway.


For Mother’s Day we went out for supper on Saturday, and then we drove around Estevan and my parents helped me practice my parallel parking for my drivers test – which I can book in two days, and then take in two months and I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!


It was Dad’s 41st birthday on May 16th… I’m just wondering – when exactly are you considered over the hill…?


Five of us teens from Glen Ewen caught a ride with some teens from the Portage area up to Calgary for their conference. There were so many good points that I really enjoyed but one that really stood out to me was the fact that we have a far higher calling than to be PM’s because we are ambassadors of Christ. Sometimes we feel so little – and that we have to try achieve recognition and be known – but we are already doing something huge… We are showing people Christ through how we act, by the way dress, as well as by what we say. That’s huge if you think about it. God reigns over the whole universe, and we are these puny little people God has chosen to represent him here on earth. May we always live our best for him!


You may recognize my beautiful friend, Mariah, from my Everywhere post… She came to Calgary as well and, as always, we had a blast! Another thing that touched me from the conference was when one of the preachers bought all of us young people DQ after meeting on Saturday. It touched me as really selfless and generous.

A bunch of us went to a trampoline park after Gospel Meeting on Sunday. I have never been to one before – and it was a blast!!! Afterwards we went to McDonald’s, then back to the house, and played ping pong or went in the hot tub… Then we had to get up at 5:30 the next morning. We all conked out and slept for several hours, stretched out in all sorts of positions trying to get comfortable in the 15 passenger van.


Baseball games with the young people are always a highlight of my summer!!!! I have pretty much no athleticism in my body but I rarely get bashed for that and getting out and being active and cheering just makes me enjoy life.


Every Tuesday night we go to Archery and I really enjoy it!!! At the end of the year though they have an outdoor archery shoot out! You follow a trail and shoot 40 different targets. There are dinosaurs, bears, and deer. Thankfully every target deer i shot i was in the kill zone because i hunt with my bow – and hopefully this year I’ll get a deer!!!


The outdoor archery shoot is also a competition – and to my surprise I won third!!!! I wasn’t expecting it – but I’ve got no problem with accepting it…?


This week it bucketed for around an hour… And a part of our road ended up eroding!? Thankfully my parents spotted it while out on a walk and it is now fixed!!!


The clouds around our place yesterday around lunch… I was at school sitting in my last class, and when I looked out the window it looked as dark as 8:30 at night because of the clouds and crazy rainfall. We now have just under four inches of rain – a mixed blessing for the farmers…


Last night we had homemade affagato’s: coffee, vanilla ice cream, caramel sauce, and oreo crumbs… Yummmm!!! A friend of mine from school came home with me and then came to Young People’s with me and I’m so glad she could!!!

These last couple months have been somewhat hectic – with all our renovations and traveling to several different conferences but I have really enjoyed them. I am super excited for the end of school – 15 more days, and then finals, and then summer!!!!! Our conference is coming up on the 15th-17th, and I’m super pumped so I’m sure you’ll hear about it!!!

4 thoughts on “Flood Renovations

  1. Grandma & Grampa says:

    Again we enjoyed your write ups and pictures. We are so thankful you have good friends who see that you get to Bible conferences and you have such good times. Looking forward to seeing you this August. Some year we hope to make it to your conference. Love Grandma & Grampa

  2. Cynthia Burnell says:

    Kenna: /So nice to hear from you and see what everyone has been enjoying after a really long winter. Love your posts, especially your sharing your thoughts regarding scripture. rod and I don’t get to many conferences anymore. Difficult with these power wheelchairs, and me not driving anymore. Perhaps someday once you are driving you can drive or do errands for someone with a disability. You have a wonderful outlook on life and great positive energy!
    Oh yeas wanted to say Rod and I visited Vancouver and they had taxi cabs that could accommodate a powerchair. Awesome! We. we’re able to tour Alaska with our chairs! God is good! That was a thrill for us. God Bless, Cynthia

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