At the Grandparents

Sorry I haven’t made a post in so long… I’ve been busy with cousins, birthdays, and grandparents. First stop after leaving Uncle Stephen’s was Grandad and Grandma’s (my dad’s parents), then off to the island, a few days later, to see Grampa and Grandma (my mom’s parents). Which is where we are currently! We don’t have the camper, so I haven’t been able to get photos from the camera onto my iPad. So the photos you are about to see were all taken on my iPad. I am loving all of the comments! You guys make my day when you encourage me! Thanks!!!


0 thoughts on “At the Grandparents

  1. Selene says:

    You do have a way with words (and pictures) Raquenna! Thanks for the update! I loved all the commentary, even with being a participant in most of the fun!! Great memories were made! (and it looks like I left just in time – before your mom put me to work!!!!) Love Auntie Selene

    • kenna13 says:

      Thanks! It was a blast having you guys here!!! And, yes, you did leave just in time, as we were put to work the very same day you guys left.? (I think you did a lot of work while you were here though!)

  2. Laurel says:

    Thanks so much for the updates! You are becoming a fine photographer. Enjoy the rest of your journey, keep the updates coming!

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