Anybody Need a Ride?

Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah! Guess who got her license!?!?!? That’s right – ME!!!!!!! I had my road test yesterday and passed with zero points off! We raced home from camp in Washington and made it with an hour to spare. I was incredibly nervous because on August 8 I had taken my first road test and failed… And let’s just say when you have to go back and do it again it’s a whole lot more stressful! But second times a charm and I drove out of the SGI office with my sister in the front seat!!!!

Before my test we had dropped Lanaya and Mom off at the grocery store so Cassia was the “lucky” one who got to ride in the front with me for the first time!!!

I pulled up at the grocery store and Mom and Lanaya literally were standing in front of the store cheering because they saw Cassia in the front… I’ve got to admit we did leave Mom in a bit of suspense because Dad texted her that we were leaving the SGI Office but never said anything else… Hehehe!

Lanaya was especially overjoyed to be sitting in the front… In our family we have a rule that you aren’t allowed to sit in the front until you turn twelve unless there’s nobody else in the car. And because Lanaya had just turned twelve she got to sit in the front driving home from Estevan!!!

I am SO excited to have finally gotten my license! It means I can drive home from Young People’s so Dad doesn’t have to pick me… It also means that Mom and Dad can sit in the back when we travel and watch movies together – something they’ve been talking about ever since I got my learners…?

August was an amazing month and I promise there will be a blog post coming soon about our summer! Maybe you’ll have it in your inbox by the end of December…?

14 thoughts on “Anybody Need a Ride?

  1. Chisambo says:

    Congratulations. That is awesome you passed your test and with flying colours too. When do you get your own wheels??

  2. Michael Chapman says:

    Woohoo, you did it!!! Don’t you just loooove that feeling of freedom!!! Say Hi to your dad and mum for me, they will know who I am 🙂 Drive safe!

  3. Grandma & Grampa says:

    So happy for you! The second time around makes it all the sweeter! Cassia and Lanaya got in on your joy as well. Well done and we can attest to the fact that you are a good driver. Imagine no demerits! Love to you.

  4. Kim says:

    Yay! I was so excited to see this post. Well done Raquenna. It was great getting to spend last week with you & your family. Praying you have a fantastic school year!

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