Bucks and Braces

AHHHHHHHH!!!!! We are flying down our hill, having a great time – then we hit deep snow and it all goes down our necks and we come to a sudden and complete halt. Lanaya flies off, with myself just a few seconds after her, so I flip/roll to the side avoiding crushing her by a couple centimetres… But that’s what happens when you go flying down a hill, on a sled, facing each other – you do cool flips and rolls…!!!? The extra cool part about all of that was the fact that I didn’t even hurt anything!!! So now I’m hoping it will snow again and we’ll get some more quality sledding time in!?

I donated my hair again!!! I was getting head aches so I decided to get rid of them and bless someone else.?

I cut off eight inches – and yes, my head does feel lighter now.

I also got braces 1 1/2 weeks ago! I’m used to them now but when I first got them every time I smiled my lips would get stuck on the brackets!? I was on a liquid diet for like, a week – no joke! I drank a lot of chicken noodle soup and ate a lot of rice krispies(you can swallow those guys whole…). Thankfully though, I could still eat the chocolate cupcakes that Cassia made a couple days before I got my braces on. Although green icing isn’t the greatest look to get stuck in my braces…?


And this might just be the best part of the whole last month!!!! It was Cassia’s first year hunting and she did amazing by taking down a 5×5 with a little sticker!!!! #veryproudsister


It was her last chance to go hunting during this season, first time shooting the 30-06, and she dropped it with a miracle shot.

FYI: these next photos are of us gutting the deer, so be prepared.


The first step is to cut a line down the middle, pull back a little bit of skin and then, very carefully and precisely, cut it open.


Then you’ve got to get the guts loose and pull them out – all in one piece.


We saved the liver – which I am NOT eating!!!! Fun fact though, livers are huge, well, deer livers are!!!!! This guy had like five and they were all ginormous.


Truck bed shot.


Once we’ve finished gutting the deer in the field we take it on over to Uncle Randy, who helps us skin it and lets it hang until we’re ready to do something with it! And the easiest way to hold the deer up while you’re skinning it it to hook it onto the tractor bucket!!!!


To skin the deer you’ve got to separate the skin from the fat and then pull! It slides off somewhat easily, at least if you’re as pro and experienced as Uncle Randy…


Once we’re done skinning we cut the antlers out of the skull – which we will mount on our wall, along with Mom and Dad’s.


Cassia did amazing, and today they’re turning the rest of the carcass into jerky and ground venison!!!! Can’t wait!

And here they are, slicing and dicing! Cassia got 34lbs of edible venison off of her deer, and who knows how much we gave to the dog…


The final product: Bacon Wrapped Venison!

This past month was pretty good, with a lot of visual changes for me, and an exciting accomplishment for Cassia!!! I’m looking forward to the coming weeks – we’ve got some exciting Christmas-related things happening!!!!

4 thoughts on “Bucks and Braces

  1. Grandma & Grampa says:

    Hi Raquenna, A new look for you. I wonder how long you have to wear the braces? Thanks for the chronicle of Cassia’s deer hunt from the very skilled shot to the finished products. That bacon wrapped venison looks so good! Love Grandma & Grampa

  2. Ronda Sturgill says:

    Boy that was really interesting. I’ve never had medicine, but it looked really good. Love the new haircut love the braces. As for the snow it’s 85 here in Las Vegas so no snow for us unfortunately. have a merry Christmas please say hello to your whole family from ? Jeff an have a merry Christmas please say hello to your whole family from ? Jeff and Ronda in Las Vegas

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