MCSC 2019 and Michigan

So I’m just going to say “YAY ME” for getting this post up after only a couple of months since we disembarked from the ship…???? Those weeks were very full of travelling and meeting new people – as well as being reunited with some of our old friends.

Our trip started on Valentine’s Day because there is nothing more romantic than spending 15 hours in a car with your family on Valentine’s day, obviously… But it wasn’t all that bad. We have portable wifi in the USA so we put the timer on for one hour and did an hour of homework. Once the timer went off we switched and had “free time” until the timer went off again an hour later. It was an efficient way of getting work done and I finished almost a week’s worth of homework in 8 hours of work – which definitely lightened the stress for the rest of our holiday!

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