Summer Bliss – July

***Edit: Sorry everyone for issues with my last post! The post was too large and so the photos weren’t loading – both in the email and on I cut this post in half, and cut and pasted the other half into another post. Sorry again, and hopefully this post will work better for you! (Just click the read more link below to access the post)***

You know when it comes time for school and you just wish that summer could go on forever? That was what I felt at the end of this summer. Normally when it comes time for school I’ve been ready to go back since the beginning of August because of sheer boredom and the fact that I can’t wait to get back to learning. However, this year my summer was so jam-packed full and I created such amazing memories that I didn’t want it to end. After school let out I had about a week of free time and that was it. At the end of the summer I calculated how busy we were by how often we were at our home assembly – I shocked myself when I figured out we had been home for a grand total of TWO Sundays – but don’t worry, we did go to meeting elsewhere…???? Continue reading