Destruction: a Hail Storm Tale

We saw the storm rolling in. My phone was receiving the National Alert System, lighting up with a tornado warning. The clouds were swiftly moving in from the west, speeding over our valley. Looking up we could see an ominous light blue line – separating the higher, smooth clouds from the low rolling ones. Finally the clouds passed over our house and we could breathe again… And then the rain hit. There was also a golfball sized hail warning on – but we seem to get those fairly regularly and they never amount to anything. But about a minute into the rain something slams into our window, and then another… and another… It soon sounds like our window is going to shatter from the force and size of the hail. We all gather in the hallway away from the windows, just in case. Finally after three minutes or so the insane pounding begins to subside. We ran to check all of our windows – and thankfully the glass panes were still all in one piece. I looked out the front window and saw something around six feet long that almost looked like a piece of siding – but I had no idea where exactly it came from… We braved the outdoors seconds later where the thunder was still booming and went to see the damage… Continue reading