Mind Blown

I’m one of those freaky weird kids who actually really enjoys school and learning…? And one subject that I really enjoy is ELA – Math is probably first but ELA is a very close second. Our ELA teacher is very good at what she does and teaches me a lot about reading and ways to become a better reader. One thing she talks a lot about is foreshadowing – which is currently blowing my mind!!!!? I’m rereading a book for about the fifth time and I keep having random freak outs because there is so much foreshadowing! I think it’s pretty cool when you learn about something at school and then it transfers into your life and just totally knocks you socks off… Anyway, that’s just my little nerd rant about ELA and how what you learn in school sometimes does apply to your life outside of school.? Thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your week!!!

Beach Break

I don’t know about the rest of you but sometimes when I get excited I start freaking out and have troubles breathing – I’m not quite sure if its my asthma or mental… Anyway… That’s how I was feeling as we approached our huge boat – that I was about to board. And when we walked on and everything was so fancy and there were glass elevators… It basically felt like I was on a huge floating castle! But let’s start back at the beginning – shall we? Continue reading