Just a Little More

Surprise!!!!!! You see, before we came home we went to the Badlands for a couple of days. The fact we are home is much better than the day spent in the badlands so I had to share that first… but I’m not quite done showing up in your inbox just yet.?

Now on to the Badlands…

In 1935, Wall Drug wasn’t getting any costumers – so they stuck up a sign for free water and five cent coffee. A they say, the rest is history, and they are now a flourishing tourist trap. That’s where we spent our Monday afternoon. Continue reading

The Most Amazingest Thing Ever

A scream has been welling in the back of my throat for the last two hours. So I screamed into my pillow once. I have felt like barfing at least 16 times. And I think I’ve done around five happy dances. Who knew going home would wreck such havoc on my body…?

I don’t know if you’ve guessed by now, but we arrived home last night!!!! It was the most beautiful sunset, and the familiar fields were like a breath of fresh air. Seeing the pump jacks – even driving on the gravel was amazing!? Continue reading

Hills Alive

Amazing! That is the word to describe the Christian music concert, Hills Alive. But I’ll get to making all of you jealous in a minute…?

Every year, around April or May, I ask my parents, “So… Are we going to Hills Alive?” If they say, “We’re not sure,” I try to think up as many amazing reasons as I can to get them to go. If they say “No,” I’m devastated – and I might just ask them a couple more times, just in case they change their minds…? And if they say, “Yes!!!!!!!” Then I give a big whoop, and go see if any of my friends are going.

Now, what exactly is Hills Alive? It is a free christian music concert in Rapid City, SD. It’s got food vendors, free bouncy castles, you can even try out some of Scheel’s merchandise on the pond in the park! And they always have an amazing lineup of artists! This year the two ‘closers’ were Crowder and Matthew West! One of the perks from attending is the awesome suntan you get…? I’m kind of serious, but not really because the best thing is standing at the stage, jammin’ with your friends!!! Continue reading

The Windy City

Please excuse me while I rant. Blogging takes a lot out of a person. I go some place and I’m like, “Wow, this is so amazing!” And I think, “I can’t wait to share it with everyone.” But then I sit down at the computer and I’m like, “How am I supposed to share this?” I wish you could’ve been there to see the amazing things I just saw and feel the things I felt. Because writing is harder than some of you think. Sharing emotions that don’t really have words is hard. Like when I was in New York – you could feel the energy… and everything… but how do you write about it? You’ve got to experience it to get the whole emotion. And in Chicago where there were people everywhere, all there to see the same thing. And hordes and hordes of people crossing the street. You have to be careful or you might get run over… by the thousand other people crossing the street. So when I sit down at a computer and try to share this with you and feel like bleh, it makes it even harder to share an emotion, a feeling, a place, with you.

But I’ll try.

Chicago… Continue reading

Let’s Celebrate

“Owwwwww, I just ripped a tendon in my shoulder!!!” I finally ran into a fellow klutz! Literally…?

This past week we stayed at the Shutt’s near Mansfield, Ohio. Their oldest daughter, Emma, is my age and we share a lot of the same tendencies. Like walking into door frames, injuring ourselves all the time… Stuff like that. Thankfully we never injure ourselves too badly – but that’s not going to stop us from being dramatic…?

You can remove us from Canada but you can’t remove the Canada from us. We spent Canada Day in the USA, but thankfully we were with fellow Canadians (Cara is originally from Saskatchewan!!!) so it wasn’t too bad…? We stuck on tattoos, wore red shirts, sang O’Canada, and told everyone Happy Canada Day! Continue reading