Crazy Recuperating

For some strange reason every time I thought about writing up this post all I could think of to tell you guys was that we had done nothing. …But then I would remember and be like, “Hey, we actually did do something-we went to the Navy UDT-Seal Museum and to the Kennedy Space Center and we went on a hike…”  and so on until I remembered that we actually did do a whole bunch of other things!? I called this Crazy Recuperating because we were catching up on sleep while spending time touring.

Our last day in Nicaragua I woke up at 6:30am and the next day I finally got to bed around 8:30am-after eating breakfast! Our days were thrown off a bit but once they got back on track the rest of the week rode on pretty smoothly. On Tuesday we left for a State Park and on the way we stopped at the Nave UDT-Seal Museum! Continue reading

Grampa and Grandma

I probably should’ve made this post before the Nicaragua one… But I figured that I better do that post while it was still in my mind, and then do this one next! So here goes!!!

My Mom’s parents flew down for a week in Florida! We picked them up at the Orlando International Airport and then dropped them off at the Miami International Airport. In between we covered many miles! We went down to Key West and up to Tampa and traveled through the Everglades! We were ALL exhausted by the time they left, but I’d say we definitely gave them their wish to see Florida! Continue reading


Ok, so I don’t even know how to start this post seeing as I’ve got a whole bunch of stuff I need to say! At least, before all the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place and you guys will understand why we just randomly up and went to Nicaragua.

A month and a half ago my dad casually announced at the kitchen table, “We are going to Nicaragua to see Carter.” Then went back to eating his lunch like it was no biggie, you know. All we were doing was going to Nicaragua for a week… ??????? Right, like, what ev’s! NOT!!!! Because in actuality it was a pretty big deal because as far as I could remember from Social Studies in school-Nicaragua wasn’t in North America.

Now you guys know how we found out we were going to Nicaragua, lets talk about why!  I said my dad told us we were going to Nicaragua to visit Carter.  He and eight other guys were invited by Mark and Brenda Bachert and Kyle and Allie Wilson to go down to Nicaragua for a year. The elders in the nine guys assemblies were encouraged to come down and visit. And my dad is an elder at home, so we got to go visit Carter in Nicaragua!!! Continue reading