
Ok, so I was supposed to make a post today…? But instead I am flying to Nicaragua, so I’ll talk to all y’all later!!!????✈️

PS. Just to keep you all somewhat updated: Last week my grandparents flew down for a visit! It was SO much fun, and we covered a lot of miles!!! ??

A Circus, the Waves, and a Pool

Wow!!! I cannot begin to describe the awesomeness, and amazingness I’ve seen and experienced this past week! …And if those aren’t words, they are now…? On Thursday night I went on a daddy date! I went to a circus on Friday, and gasped in fright, dropped my jaw in awe, then laughed till… well… till I stopped I guess…? On Saturday I went surfing, and caught some waves, then experienced nature’s sinus rinse, very painful might I add… And then squealed in excitement when I finally caught my first wave!??‍♀️ On Sunday I tasted some more Venezuelan food, AM-AZ-ING!!!? And then the rest of the week was spent relaxing at the pool, soaking in the sunshine, and having a blast! Continue reading

Six Months on the Road!!!!!!!!!

I cannot believe it… We have been on the road for exactly six months and five days! It’s seems crazy to look back and see how much I’ve learned and all the people I’ve met. And then I think, I’ve still got six months left to go! Which means my brain is just going to keep on getting bigger and smarter…?

Anyway… we’ve spent the last week visiting with manatees, Christians, and our math lessons.

Manatees have no purpose in life, at least, as far as I can tell…? They move very, very slowly, just like they have all the time in the world, eat, and breathe, oh and sometimes they have babies…? They just laid on the bottom of the river and smushed their faces in the mud, eating. And when they had to take a breath they sssssllllllloooooowwwwwwllllllyyyyyy slapped their tails on the mud, and then they sssssllllooooowwwwwwlllllyyyyy ascended to the surface to breathe. Then once they had taken a deep breath they would, once again… sssssllllooooooowwwwwlllllyyyyyy sink back to the bottom, just to ssssslllllllooooowwwwwllllllyyyyyy repeat the exact same process all over again, a few minutes later. And don’t get me wrong here, they are really fascinating, but you can only watch the pattern repeat itself so many times before your eyes glaze over and your mind blanks. Continue reading