Hermosillo, Mexico

Post number two! We spent around nine days in Hermosillo with Tim and Steph Woodford, and their seven kids; Mika, Shaelyn, Kyla, Vivian, Alisa, Nathaniel, and Gwendolyn!!! It was awesome, and I had a great time! They were amazing hosts, and treated us to all of the traditional Mexican sights and foods. Continue reading

San Antonio

I hope you’re all prepared to do a lot of reading this week… Because three posts are coming up!!! Here’s the first:

My Grandad and Grandma (on my Dad’s side) came to visit us in San Antonio!!! We ate, shopped, toured the Alamo, ate, shopped, went up the Tower of the America’s, ate, shopped, went on the Riverwalk, ate, shopped, went to Six Flags, ate and shopped. Continue reading