Work Hard, Play Hard

This past week I learned what the Bible verse, The joy of the Lord is my strength, really meant. We spent this past week volunteering at Gleanings for the Hungry. It is a christian organization that runs on donations and prayer. The farmers around the area donate the food that can’t be sold in stores and they package and send it to missionaries in third world countries to hand out. In the summer they dry peaches, and in the winter it’s soup. It was great fun, and I would totally return!!!

This is how our days went… Every morning we would wake up at 6:00, get ready for the day and head down to the dining hall for breakfast at 7:00. (The food was AMAZING!!!) Then at 8:00 was worship. We would sing, then someone would share, and then we’d pray! After that, around 9:00, was snack, then we would head down to the factory to begin work. At 12:00 was lunch, and at 1:00 it was back to work. 3:00 was break, and at 3:30 it was back to work. Supper was at 5:30, and our work day was finished. Continue reading

San Francisco

On Wednesday Mom, Cassia , Lanaya, and I toured San Fran. We took a ferry over then we walked or took the bus to get around the rest of the day. We took the bus up the hill to where we wanted to go, then walked down the hill to the next place…? We were overwhelmed by the amount of homeless people. And coming from SK, where there aren’t very many people on the streets -because they’d freeze to death in the winter- it seemed pretty crazy!!! And I confess, I was a little scared, too. We had a map, thankfully, or else we would still be lost…? But every time you pulled out the map, someone would try and help, even if you didn’t want it! So when we needed to find something on the map, us girls would all huddle around Mom while she pulled out the map and figured out where to go. We sometimes had to ask, though, how to get some place. And when we did, they all told us  not to go near the Tenderloin section… But we already had, and it was WAAAAAAAAAAY out of my comfort zone!!! There were drug deals going down, stuff everywhere, and not much sign of the police.? We looked straight ahead and marched -quickly I might add- through there as fast as we could.  But we had a guardian angel. At one point, a decent looking man who had been walking near us all the way through the “bad part of town” approached us and told us that we’d be safe now. I believe he had our backs and that we were safe, even though we were walking through a shady part of town. Within seconds of that he disappeared into the crowd and we never saw him again. Angel? Perhaps… Continue reading