At the Grandparents

Sorry I haven’t made a post in so long… I’ve been busy with cousins, birthdays, and grandparents. First stop after leaving Uncle Stephen’s was Grandad and Grandma’s (my dad’s parents), then off to the island, a few days later, to see Grampa and Grandma (my mom’s parents). Which is where we are currently! We don’t have the camper, so I haven’t been able to get photos from the camera onto my iPad. So the photos you are about to see were all taken on my iPad. I am loving all of the comments! You guys make my day when you encourage me! Thanks!!! Continue reading

On Our Way!!!


We’ve left, and it’s day two. It feels like a vacation, not like we are leaving for a year. Thank you for all of the encouraging things you have said and for your prayers. Thanks for the potluck supper at Glen Ewen Gospel Hall! The speeches were very thoughtful, and I can’t say how much I am going to miss you guys! Continue reading