1 Week Down

Question: Would you guys prefer more frequent posts with less photos,  or less frequent posts with more photos?

0 thoughts on “1 Week Down

  1. Ruth Simonyi-Gindele says:

    Hi Raquenna, I really like the way you are doing your blog. The excellent photos & your comment below, gives the feeling that we could be tagging along behind you ! So looking forward to seeing you all ,safe journeys & look after that ankle ! Grandma S-G

  2. Angela says:

    Fabulous start to your trip! We loved our visit to Drumheller a few years ago! I’m seriously laughing at you driving around Walmart in that cart!! Ha ha! You might show up on the people of Walmart blog;)

  3. Tanya Anderson says:

    You’re doing great! Love every update and all the pics along with the explanations. It’s been too many years since I saw those mountains! Y’all are really experiencing every place you are at, very cool!

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