Nova Scotia

?Happy Birthday to Dad!? We had a wonderful week in Nova Scotia with Donnie and Carrie – celebrating Dad’s 40th, driving the Cabot trail, and hiking the Skyline trail!!!

I think this picture is pretty self explanatory but we made it to Nova Scotia and parked our camper in Donnie and Carrie’s driveway on Cape Breton for almost a week! The first few days it rained so we mostly stayed inside – going out on little “adventures” each afternoon. I can’t remember what we did on Wednesday but on Thursday we set out for the unknown and drove, stopped in a couple of random places and took pictures!

On Friday we were driving up to Cape Clear, a small hike somewhere on the Cabot trail, and the road we had to take to get there was a logging road that sometimes had random log stacks of all different lengths and widths! They made for a great photo op!!!

First – and probably only – snowball fight of the season!!! It was SO exciting to find a snowdrift on the road that was big enough to do something with!!!?

But then everything came to a screeching halt – literally. We were driving along the road when Dad realized the left rear tire was losing air very quickly! So we pulled over and got out to check the tire and, voila, some sort of blade is sticking out of the tire.? So we jacked the truck up, took off the wheel, and began to pry whatever it was out of the tire. But it just kept coming… and coming… and coming!!! Finally we got the whole thing out and discovered, to our surprise, that it was a scissor blade! How just one scissor blade was on the road – we don’t really know. It was definitely one of the most relaxed flat tires we’ve ever had. We put the spare tire back on, had lunch, washed some of Dad’s rocks that he’s tumbling off in a stream and then went on a quest to find some one who could repair the tire or else have a new one. This part was definitely not as relaxed! We went to one place, and they couldn’t do anything for us, so we went to another place, where they sent us to another place and the wait would’ve been over an hour. Finally we went to another place and they had the one tire that we needed! Once we got the tire fixed we were on our way once again, but we never did get to do the hike.

For supper that night the Chaissons had us over for an amazing meal! Thank you SO much and it was great to see y’all at conference again this weekend!!! (The conference was in PEI – my next blog post!?) We had met their son, Amos, down in Nicaragua, so we sort of invited ourselves over so we could meet the parents, and then they fed us like kings!!

Saturday we drove the whole Cabot trail with Donnie and Carrie and family! We did the Skyline Trail – which I would definitely recommend doing if you’re ever near the trail!!! The view is amazing!!!?


You’re out on a ridge with cliffs on either side of you. You can see forever if you look out at the ocean and on the other side you can see the mountains and road you came on! It was soooo beautiful!?

The view. There was an unofficial trail out to the very tip but since we always obey the rules and stay on the path we just stayed on the boardwalk.?

Dad patiently modelled for me while I took this picture! It turned out differently than I had expected – but that’s not always a bad thing!

We found this cool tree you could walk up on the way back to the car! My goal was to climb the highest, and I accomplished that goal by folding – somewhat awkwardly – and sticking my feet as high as they could go!?

After driving for a while we came across a beautiful waterfall that ran into the ocean!


Some more of the view!

That night there was a beautiful sunset that reflected off the water – reflecting a beautiful day!!!

I have never seen so many foxes in my life! In the past week I think I’ve seen four – which might seem lame to some of you – but we rarely see them back home!

On Monday we went and toured Louisburg, an old fort somewhere on Cape Breton. In the summer there are people who act as people who lived in the time period that the fort was operating! Though because it isn’t summer yet there was no one there except some repair men, so we drove around, saw everything, and then left.?

A cool door in the wall that opens up into a pond on the other side.

On Tuesday it was my dad’s 40th Birthday!!!! So we had some special food!


The lobster sometimes required a bit of extra work to get the meat out of the claws!

And for desert we had Mile High Mud Pie!!!???? Oreo crumbs on the bottom, an espresso shot blended in with chocolate ice cream next, then a fudge layer, another layer of just chocolate ice cream, and finally drizzled chocolate sauce over the top! Add 40 candles and you’re good to go!

Cape Breton was a beautiful place – even if it was grey half of the time we were there, with even more beautiful people!

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